Derrick May All Night Long @ Rex Club

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Bertrand Messi

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Gagne des places pour voir Derrick May toute la nuit ce vendredi au Rex Club

– Derrick May All Night Long –

« Derrick May was born in Detroit in 1963, a single child raised largely by his mother. At the age of 13, he began attending school in the suburb of Belleville; there he met Juan Atkins and the two began trading mix-tapes, Atkins providing May’s entry into the world of Parliament, Kraftwerk and Gary Numan. When his mother moved to Chicago, May stayed in Detroit with another friend, Kevin Saunderson, to finish school. By 1981, Atkins had taught May and Saunderson the essence of DJing as well, and the trio formed Deep Space Soundworks, a collective existing to present their favorite music at parties and clubs. May and Atkins also began working with a local DJ named the Electrifyin’ Mojo — the man who first introduced Atkins to Kraftwerk and early synth-pop — by creating elaborate megamixes for use on Mojo’s radio show. »

Une soirée only Derrick May, ça ne se loupe pas ! On a pensé à toi, et on te propose de gagner des places. Facile, il te suffit d’envoyer un petit message sympa à l’adresse « », de mentionner ton nom et ton prénom et de ne pas oublier de préciser dans l’objet « Derrick May @ Rex Club ». Voilà, le tour est joué, tu n’as plus qu’à patienter. Bonne chance.

▬▬▬▬ LINE UP ▬▬▬▬




◆ 23H55 – 07h00
◆ 15€
◆ L’event Facebook

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