Pour ce dernier jeu concours, la marque PONY s’associe à Open Minded pour vous faire gagner une paire de chaussure.
Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, cela signifie « Product Of New York »!!!
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A part PONY, qu’est ce qui est pour vous un pur produit New-Yorkais?
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Poni International, commonly referred to as simply , is an American brand of footwear and other apparel. Founded in 1972 on Madison Avenue in New York, Pony was created by industry veteran Roberto Mueller, along with financing provided by adidas Chairman Horst Dassler (see details in the book Sneaker Wars). it became one of the top athletic brands worldwide. By the mid-1980s, their sales volume reached US$800 million. The Pony brand has been worn by championship athletes in every major sport, including the World Cup, NFL Super Bowl, MLB World Series and the NBA championship.
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