Tentez votre chance pour gagner des places à la soirée Bass Culture avec Mr.G, Mike Huckaby & Jul’z @ Rex club !
Bon, histoire de vous mettre bien une nouvelle fois, Le Rex Club vous propose la soirée Bass Culture ce samedi 12 Octobre avec une line up qui envoie du pâté ! Bref, trêve de mots, comme on est sympatoche chez Open Minded on vous fait gagner des places ! Tente ta chance en nous envoyant un petit message sans oublier de préciser ton nom et prénom + « Bass Culture » dans l’objet. Voilà voilà, à vos mail les narvalo !
▬▬▬▬ LINE UP ▬▬▬▬
> Mr. G
RA: http://
> Mike Huckaby
Tastemaker, Educator, Sound Designer, and Motor City Proponet. Mike Huckaby has done much for Detroit electronic music. The man behind the once legendary Record Time store has gathered an encyclopedic knowledge of music.
He is one of those guys who knows all the roots and culture of electronic dance music. He is a person who can see beyond the hype and divisions within the scene. Mike knows exactly what the music is. (source)
RA: http://
> D’julz
Whether it’s through his productions, radio shows, compilations, parties or club sets, D’Julz has been at the forefront of electronic music since his career first began back in 1992. A firm DJ and fan favourite alike, his ability to transcend genres and trends has seen him hold one of the most consistent levels of success of any modern-day DJ/Producer. A run of form that is at its strongest, today. (source)
RA: http://
23H55 – 07h00
DIGITICK : 12€ (+loc) : http://bit.ly/
Event Facebook
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